The child thief:

The child thief:

My 13 year old daughter was losing weight.  I did not realise at first.  She was a pretty girl with lots of friends, doing well at school.  My only child and the most important person in my world.  We were always a family of banter and fun. ...
I do not know how to pray

I do not know how to pray

Walking through the town, not far from the Cathedral grounds, my legs are very heavy. I tumble to my knees and close my eyes. The rain soaks through my cardigan and my sandals are a waste of time. My clothes stick to me like tissue paper. I don’t care.  I cannot...
Childminding Tips

Childminding Tips

I was talking to my child about my child.  The child I was talking to is 25 years old. My daughter is a doctor in a psychiatric unit, dealing with patients with mental illnesses. She described how some patients cannot get the love they need in life. The...
Late night musing on the N word

Late night musing on the N word

I light the fire at the end of a solitary weekend. The cat is asleep. Freddie Mercury is singing on the radio –  ‘Another One Bites the Dust’.  I start thinking about the lyrics and how love is much like a fire. A relationship is built like a fire:  kindling,...
Beating the blues

Beating the blues

Blue days are important. They make us think in a different way. They are the time to reflect and consider. Yesterday’s weather was bright and sunny. But for me it was a heavy blue day. Blue days are like that – they fall out of the sky and land on us...