

Phew – Valentine’s Day is over! “I am so sorry you are without love – have a cake..  You are worth more than that – doors will open now you are single..  Don’t worry – Mr/Ms Right is around the corner..” Consolation is a strange...
Life lessons

Life lessons

26 years ago I gave birth to my daughter. I was 26. She was born 6 weeks prematurely and we both almost died. Today she becomes half my age. A once in a lifetime occurrence. Looking back, there are things I wish I had said or done and others that I wish I had not said...
Be toll-free

Be toll-free

You know that feeling?  That heaviness?  The toll of the bell. Something is attached to you.  Chained to you. You cannot see it but every time you move, it rings.  No-one else cares.  You shake your head, walk backwards, run to hide but...
Life is unfair

Life is unfair

Today is D-Day: my 43rd diaversary.43 years ago, when I was 9 years old, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. Back in 1979 while I spent 2 weeks in hospital being ‘stabilised’, my mum was told not to worry because there would be a cure within 10 years. I’ve...
Suffering is optional

Suffering is optional

Are you suffering?  Take this pill.  Try a shot of that. Anyone for a sugar lump?  Everyone experiences pain at some time. It is an integral part of life. Yet have you noticed how some people seem to suffer less than others? Even when the pain is harsh...