Are you suffering?  Take this pill.  Try a shot of that. Anyone for a sugar lump? 

Everyone experiences pain at some time. It is an integral part of life. Yet have you noticed how some people seem to suffer less than others? Even when the pain is harsh – mentally and physically. Others retreat into a dark cave, unable to see a way forward.

When a group of suffering people are given a sugar pill or water injection placebo rather than the medicine they think they are getting, a significant percentage will get well.   

Impossible?  Not at all – these people accept and surrender to the belief that they are taking appropriate treatment. For them, this belief encourages their autonomic nervous system to makes the medicinal compound equal to the substance they think they have been given.  They expect a positive result.  And they subconsciously create one. They recover by believing in something outside themselves.

Most of us are conditioned into believing that we need something external to change our internal ‘dis-ease’.  The thought of taking a substance believed to be medicine (even if it is a placebo) causes the body to make the chemicals it anticipates.  It’s an automatic/autonomic response.

It is entirely possible that a person can change their state of being after taking a placebo.  Here’s a link to Dr Joe Dispenza’s lecture on the power of placebos.

What if you believed in something inside yourself?

What if the placebo were not a pill but a magnifying glass to see inconspicuous benefits in every perceived failure?  To see that every little scratch and tear brings significance and beauty to your journey?   To show you are already on the right path. That works too. 

Pain is inevitable.  Suffering is optional.

Wilma Flintstone stepping out of the cave..
Wilma Flintstone stepping out of the cave.

You can step out of the dark cave of worry. You can reprogramme your brain (without drugs) to be more organised and coherent.  To let go of fear and embrace life.   To feel whole and happy.  You  can move from a state of lack and separation into connection and harmony. 

 I work with exceptional, creative people who have been waylaid by challenges.  If you are one of them, contact me to find out more.

 **Now for the small print: **

This post is not in any way about dismissing the need to medicate acute or chronic physical and psychological illnesses. Several of my clients have illnesses that require medication.  I work with them and with respect to eradicate suffering.  I too have Type 1 diabetes for which there is no cure.  For the past 43 years I have injected insulin multiple times a day to stay alive. At the same time I continue to learn about harnessing inner power to be creative, happy and live fully no matter what. This is what I share with my coaching clients.